29 October

29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı - VikipediI sometimes wonder, what would have happened if the Republic of Turkey had not been established. And I stop wondering about it in the first seconds because when the results of it starts to come up to my mind, I’m starting to get scared, and I pray to Atatürk and his comrades. Because if Turkey couldn’t win the War of Independence and Atatürk couldn’t established the Republic of Turkey, most probably I wouldn’t even be here. Even if I were here, our country wouldn’t be here, our country would have been destroyed. Like I said, I can’t even imagine what would Turks do in that scenario if there would be any. As you can understand by now, October 29 is a date and a holiday that means a lot to me and all Turks. Because it’s the date that Atatürk and his comrades established the Republic of Turkey. 

Republic is one of the most humane and democratic forms of government that can be implemented in countries around the world. It can even be said that it is the best. Because there is freedom of choice in the republic. The people have the freedom to choose the person, party or organization that will lead the country. At the same time, the right to supervise those who govern the country and to file a legal complaint and start trials when necessary is also included in the principles of the republic. 

 Until October 29, 1923, there was no republican administration in any state established by the Turks. However, although he had the chance to become a dictator, a king or a sultan that day, by declaring the republic, Atatürk opened the biggest door on the way to today’s civilized life for the Turkish society. The establishment of the Republic in our country began on May 19, 1919, with the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s arrival in Samsun and the start of the War of Independence, and it was declared on October 29, 1923, at the end of great struggles. 

 Because they gave us this amazing country to us and established the Republic of Turkey, us Turks, we must thank to Atatürk, his comrades and anyone who has fought in the War of Independence hundred times. 

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