
  This was a dream that I saw last night…

It was a sunny and hot day. There were only me and my friend Ela. We were walking through the forest. The shadow from the trees were refreshing us .Even though we didn’t drinked water we bought felt that cold water passing through our throat. While we were walking we realized that there was a huge rainbow above the trees.We ran over the end of the rainbow as soon as possible. İt was both of us dream to see if there is an another world or an treasure. The atmosphere was changing while we were going there. İt was getting colder. But we didn’t let our childhood dream to get away from us so we kept walking. İt was freezing. But then we stepped into the rainbow.

Me and Ela we screaming because we were sliding or falling . We couldn’t catch that part because we both passed out for about a tree five minutes. Eventually we opened our eyes and found ourselves in a colourful world. There were unicorns everywhere!Even their poops were colorful too. Well,there were other stuff that made us interested. Like the flying huge frogs and swimming birds. And also they were huge. A little girl walked through us and said would you like to ride them and then we said “why not?”. The frogs were slimey thats why we choosed to ride the birds. Which also means we will get wet too but in a clean way. While we were riding we also ate the edible stuff which tasted amazing. Sugar but in an healthy way. Then everything started to get darke. The animals were scared but then I realized my alarm is beeping…

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