
In the year 2023, the technology is very highly likely we can make the sun an energy source or dams so it’s helping our humanity by using clean source so we can run electricity at this point. It’s healthy and safe but in 2025 or 2026 maybe robots can do some jobs like run a company or waitress at Dubai or Japan. There are robots like these actually but they are making so mistakes like dropping the drink or fall of high places. In 2020 or 2021 some robots came to Türkiye and when they are showing him on TVs that he fell out of stand so if technology get betters, those robots can be useful but not now sadly because they still make mistakes or get broken super-fast like ice cream machines. It’s sad but true but some places have super drably robot and they have such a voice line but sometimes technology can be dangerous. Because humans use it to kill other people like nukes. They are one of technological tool but lots of people died because of that but technology is great.

After all, phones are dangerous if someone offer you a phone saying it only 50tl and its iphone14 pro max yeah buy it. It’s safe because it can explode to your face right and why my phone got smoke inside it. I don’t know but it’s sometimes dangerous because someone stalk you at phone by hacking it and can copy your all files like that, but when new phones are coming, they are having more security.

Definitely it is not rotten in service I barely found a seat and got bored, listening German march. I don’t know why.

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