question mark on a sticky note against grained wood

Call Me!

One Day I went a mall but it was very weird because I just meet weirdest people.

In my life, he tried to take my wallet and I directedly ran away but in my home, there were some numbers 1809 and 3 but its last digit was erased and there was another note written “please call me” and I tried to call that number but very surprisingly it could not be reached at the moment. Why it’s very surprising? I said but I became worried and wrote into Google and I was shocked, it was a creepy place and I was shocked. Because it was an abandoned house and there was a murder in that house. 17 people got killed in that house. So, I was so scared because the murder suspect got out of jail 3 days ago. Before I met the weird guy and I searched more and found out that note meant “I was his target”. He determines his targets like that. So, we live in Texas so I pulled up my shot gun and ak47 desert eagle and went there in my dreams. So, after seeing that I rushed to the police station and described that guy and they found him and put him back to jail but I wondered what was inside of that house and went and I vomited 2 times for that smell. It was disgusting and I went inside and instantly vomited and called an ambulance, and police when they came, they looked inside of the house and saw eaten human parts like arms, legs. They thought an animal caused that, but the bites sized normal of human and took DNA test with the criminal and it had his bites. He was eating his victims and enjoying that.

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