1. I think in 2030 we will live  in the space.
  2. Robots will work as humans.
  3. We will discover new planets
  4. We will use electronic money
  5. We will use flying cars or electric cars.
  6. We will finish using fossil fuels
  7. We will be jobless
  8. Robots will earn money for us
  9. We will use 3d things
  10. We will use  cars that goes by their self
  11. We will use electronic banks
  12. We will make  every house movable
  13. We will buy helpers for us but not human
  14. We will use more electric cars
  15. We will use air planes that is really comfortable
  16. We will use oxygen machine because of environmental pollutions.
  17. We will use holographic trees and put oxygen machines everywhere to breathe
  18. We will make more discovers to the space.
  19. We will discover mars
  20. We will be better at space
  21. We will discover new seas or oceans
  22. We will teleport from a place to another
  23. We will be happy I think
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