Summer in 2023

This year’s summer will be so good. Because I’m going to Italy this summer.

It’s my first time going to another country. When I was 4, ı wanted to go to Italy, now I am going this year. We will go to the Rome, Milano, Napoli and more city that I don’t remember. I wanted to try new snacks that I don’t know. I want to take an ice-skating costume too. I can go to the gondola too. The first place that I want to go is Pisa Tower. Then I want to go to the Colosseum. I think it would be my best summer. When I think, I could not believe to it. How ever I need to wake up so early in the morning So I need to sleep so well before that day. We may see my best friend Beren in Italy.

I’m so excited to go to the Italy. I wish it would be a good holiday

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