Since 2020 is coming to an end, we all have wishes for next year. Probably everyone is wishing that this pandemic will end, we will be able to go out with out wearing masks, hang out our friends or family, go out without hesitating. But other than those wishes we have personal wishes. So I am going to talk about my 2021 wishes.
My first wish is moving out. Right now we’re packing up our stuff we won’t need at least for 2 months. I really want to move out because my room is really small and I need space for dancing. Since we are in a pandemic, I can’t rent a dancing studio and I need to dance at home. We are going to move in a duplex so there is an extra room for me because my older brother is having the small parents room. I will have a huge mirror in my extra room and I will dance freely at that room.
My second wish is auditioning. I was planning to audition for JYP, a Korean entertainment company, since the beginning of the year. However, because of the pandemic I couldn’t do it. So I decided to try online audition. I am planing to do it when we move out because I need a place to record my audition video.
My third wish is taking vocal classes again. It has been nearly 5 months since I started taking vocal classes. But I can’t take vocal classes now because of the rise in covid cases. I really want to take classes again because I don’t feel like my singing is good enough but my friends say that I have a calming voice and my voice is pretty.
My fourth wish is dying my hair silver. This year I have changed my hair color a lot so my parents don’t let me dye it anymore. To be honest, I don’t feel comfortable with my red-black hair. I really want my hair to be silver and I want to get a haircut as Hyunjin has. ,a member of Stray Kids, his hair looks so pretty.

My last wish is leaving Turkey. I do love my country but living in Turkey isn’t good. The economy is pretty bad and there are no LGBTQ rights and woman aren’t being treated well. Recently the Ministry of Commerce decided to make rainbow themed products +18. And it makes me so uncomfortable. I don’t wanna live in a country that doesn’t let me have rights.
So these are some of my wishes for 2021. I hope all of these wishes will come true.