Would I rather I had the ability to see the future or change the past?

Would I rather I had the ability to see the future or change the past?

First, lets look to the see the future option if you have this ability you have no opportunity to get suprised by something you going to know everything that will happen to you so you never get a taste to suprises of life at the same time you have chance to get a lot of succes with using this ability you might get the full grade from all of your exams and going to be very successful person in your life or you going to find way to get a lot of money its not hard to find though because at the end you going to know exchange. It s easy and comfortable life but nothing in your life going to excite you one more time its big sacrifice.

Second, let s look at the change the past option. In this you have chance to suprised by something at the same time you have chance to change this if you don t like the suprise but in this case if something so bad happens and you changed that you going to feel guilty about it and no one going to know this so you will feel more than normal with all of these you have opportunity to get a lot of money and being rich person or being a sucsessful person as well.

Geçmiş Değişince Gelecek de Değişir mi? (Nasıl? :) – Beliz Gonca ile Hayata Farklı Bak

At the end this question more than choosing ability of see future or choosing ability of change the past this question converting to choose never get suprised and living very good life or feels guilty all time and living very good life when you look at this view it s muchharder question than first question with all of these I will chose the ch

ange past because its much better than chose future, I meanif you know the future you never get any taste of any of your moment in your life bu tin this option you might going to feel guilty but you can fight with this feeling but at the future option you have nothing to fight you just know everything that happen so it s really bad option for me

If I have the chance to choose none of these I never choose any of them because I love how life works and I love to know the present and don’t care future or the past.

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