Prison Break

Prison Break is an American television series which is created by Paul Scheuring. The series was produced by FOX Corporation in 2005. Leading actors in Prison Break are Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Sarah Wayne Callies, Amaury Nolasco etc. There are 5 wonderful seasons in the series. It is composed of 88 episodes. It won several awards such as The Best Actor in 2007 Australian Film Institute, The Favourite New TV Drama in 2006 People’s Choice Award.

In Prison Break, Michael Scofield is imprisoned for saving his brother Lincoln Burrows. Lincoln Burrows is innocent of the crime for which he was committed, which was the murder of the vice president’s brother. Michael is construction engineer. He finds architectural and sanitary drawings of the prison. He memorises everything and makes a plan. Then, he is imprisoned with simple bank robber to realize his plan.

While Michael going to jail, Lincoln is on death row, and scheduled for execution within the month. Michael must make connections on the prison block that will aid him in his escape, but enemies are sure to make slow work of Michael’s plans. He has to help bad people for saving his brother. The series does not just take place in prison. In the other seasons, they struggle with other problems.

I watched Prison Break all in one breath. It was the most qualified series that I have ever watched. I recommend this series to everybody for various reasons. First of all, the scenario is very gripping. Particularly, Michael’s escape plans were too wisely. As an engineer, he used his professional background in his plans. Furthermore, film scenes are qualified and action scenes are realistic. Also, performance of the actors and the actress were wonderful. Because of these reasons everyone who watches this series will enjoy watching it. 

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