100 Years of Independence

“Republic is the path of freedom, human existence.
“The path of modern civilization drawn by Atatürk”

Fifty years ago, the famous poet Bekir Sitki Erdogan expressed his feelings in this way in the 50th Anniversary Anthem of our Republic. There are some words that touch a person’s heart. The 50th Anniversary March is the anthem that reflects the excitement and enthusiasm in my heart when I read it.

When I think of Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk comes to my mind. He will always live, not as a mortal who will disappear with his own body, but as a leader who sheds light on the future with his thoughts, stance and actions. His legacy and vision laid the foundation for our democracy and progress.

October 29 is an important day symbolizing the establishment of the Republic of Türkiye. It represents the date when the Republic of Türkiye was declared on 29 October 1923. This date symbolizes the independence of the Turkish nation under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of a modern nation state. The declaration of the Republic ushered in a regime in which Turkey would be governed as a republic, not a monarchy, and citizens would have equal rights.

Reforms led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk accelerated the modernization of Turkey. Reforms such as the transition to the Latin alphabet, the importance given to women’s rights, the acceptance of the principle of secularism and the restructuring of the education system affected Turkey’s social and cultural development.

Our republic, which we have cherished for years, has many more years to protect. Our greatest wish is to see the same enthusiasm 100 years from now. Atatürk expressed it beautifully: “The rising new generation! You are the future. We established the Republic, you are the ones who will raise it and keep it alive.” On this path we walked with the never-ending pain in our hearts on November 10th, with the joy of civilized children on April 23rd, with our heads held high and our chests full on August 30th,I am proud to be the youth of this country!

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